Purpose of Missoula College Constitution
- To represent member in employer-employee relations.
- To promote and protect the interests and welfare of members.
- To promote professional attitudes and eithical conduct among members.
- To encourage member to exercise their rights and priveleges as citizens and to provide leadership in civic affairs.
- To hold property and funds for the attainment of union purposes.
- To promote the well being of the citizens of Montana by providing quality educational opportunities to students at the University of Montana-Missoula College.
Constitution Governance
- MCFA functions as an affiliate of MFPE, is governed by UM-MC constitution, its Board of Directors and/or membership.
- Complies with Federal and Montana State laws, governance of MCFA and the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between MCFA and the Montana University System (MUS) and Board of Regents (BOR). If any provision of this constitution in part or in whole, is found to be in violation of, or inadequate to conform to the laws and provisions of the above stated entities, it shall be amended as soon as possible by the MCFA to ensure compliance.
- Is governed by the Board of Directors as defined in Article V.
- Amendments to constitution shall be adopted by two-thirds majority of members voting at general meeting of the membership.
- Proposed constitutional amendments must be presented to membership not less than thirty days prior to this vote.
- Policies implementing and enforcing this constitution shall be by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Officers and Duties
The officers of the union shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and such other officers as the union shall establish.
- President
- Presides over all union meetings and prepare their agendas.
- Represents the union on all matters of union policy and program.
- Serves as ex officio member of all UM-MCFA committees.
- Serves as first local unit delegate to MFPE district council and MFPE Annual Conference.
- Appoints committee members as necessary to carry out union programs.
- Maintains the physical records of the union activities.
- Vice President
- Presides over union meetings in the absence of the President.
- Performs other such duties as delegated by the president.
- Secretary
- Keeps minutes of official meetings of the union.
- Maintains official electronic files of the union.
- Performs such other duties as delegated by the president.
- Treasurer
- Holds the funds of the union and disburse them upon authorization.
- Maintains records of receipts and disbursements.
- Maintains membership records.
- Prepares financial reports for meetings.
- Performs such other duties as delegated by the president.